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During the month of February, Más País presented a bill in the Congress of Deputies to eliminate the 'golden visa', the “golden” visa for those foreign investors who buy a home in a Spanish dream worth 500,000 euros.

And the Government is now studying whether to eliminate this residence permit or toughen the requirements to obtain it, having to invest a greater amount of money.

Iñaki Unsain, real estate personal shopper and CEO of ACV Gestión Inmobiliaria, believes that this measure only contributes to generating instability and uncertainty for foreign investors: "Investors buy because they want to have

r a home in Spain, not because they want to obtain the 'golden visa', he asserts.

The real estate expert affirms that the measure of raising the minimum investment to obtain the 'golden visa' would not have any direct effect beyond the reduction in the number of residence permits granted. Iñaki Unsain points out that these measures "contribute to creating obstacles in the real estate investment of foreign capital, which, attracted by the good conditions of our country, finds itself with more and more problems to invest in the national economy." Eliminating these 'golden visas' has been and is one of the flagship proposals of Más País.

This residence permit for foreigners can also be obtained if investments of more than one million euros are made in deposits or shares of Spanish capital companies, or more than two million in government bonds.


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